Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

text conversation ''yutube''











SPEECH (ujian akhirsemester)


Dear miss DINI and my friends that I love.Let us pray Praise ALLAH S.W.T the presence of God who has bestowed His favor, protected forest background
The occurrence of forest degradation in the watershed (DAS), especially in the upstream has had a negative impact, such as floods, droughts, landslides,. The root cause, among others, initiated a lack of understanding or concern from various parties concerning forest functions and receiving benefits by local communities that are not able to raise the responsibility and action for sustainability. To cope with the functions of forests, particularly in the area of ​​protected forest and production forest, with some stakeholders in an integrated manner, transapran in the National Movement.
 According to the terms, reforestation itself is replanting the forests that have been denuded. This activity needs to be done because given the importance of forests for human life. Besides the forest is the largest supplier of oxygen in the earth, or we often refer to as the heart of the ecosystem of living beings. Often we hear in some electronic media occurred deforestation and illegal logging. Do you know who did? The culprit is okum-irresponsible person who is to reap profit. He did not think about how the impact that he did.
            Floods and landslides are a fraction of the impact. Everyone is frantically looking for a place to take shelter, and not least the loss of property and lives. They are victims of destruction elements irresponsible. If it's like this then who will blame them or us? Of course we can not blame one of the two. For that we must have the awareness and love of our environment. If it was not we who keep anyone else. The firmness of law and severe penalties for the illegal loggers also needs to be improved. Besides learning about the maintenance of the environment also needs to be taught to students.
            To avoid these problems, can we respond? Course can with planting 1,000 trees in the forest that have been cleared. And planted them in the barren hills. So that we can avoid the threat.
One movement for 1000 hope we can do from now on to create a peaceful world from disaster. For the start of reforestation from the simplest to the most meaningful to our earth. So that I can say, sorry if there are less pleasing speech in your heart.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016

Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

                                      Your top recommendations for things to do in your town

I still remembir first I had been with friends to guide people from the west, fortunately one of my friends can speak English, we were told to walk towards '' AIRTERJUNPANCURAJI '', District Sanggau - Often comes confusion and doubt related to bringing large family western for the holidays to tourist locations of that nature, because a lot of that must be taken into account, such as security, accommodation and other trappings.
 We call him mister difficult because his name is mentioned, I also forgot what his name because I have long been friends and guiding it, only I take this opportunity to tell because this terasuk in my English assignment. My aim is to bring the mister so he knew a lot about the beautiful scenery which is in KALIMANTAN BARAT, in particular Sanggau District. Mister also has the purpose been to this Sanggau, he bekata '' I want to find information in Sanggau town is one of them been to '' AIRTERJUNPANCURAJI '' is. Unfortunately Sanggau not have typical food.

AIRTERJUNPANCURAJI This is one of the natural attractions that can be regarded generally as a waterfall, cascade is situated near the center of Sanggau, West Kalimantan, where his location a little more into the mountainous areas in the district Sanggau, namely in the Village Bunut.
For those of you who live west Kalimantan, then this article can be made in the reference as a choice location with beloved family nature.
Ayooo let Sanggau town to visit, enjoy the beautiful natural attractions

Jumat, 09 Desember 2016

It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

                                                 It’s your last meal on earth – what do you choose?

My friends want to tell my last meal on earth
My last meal on earth is the fried rice, fried rice why? because I really like the taste of fried rice I hope the fried rice was eaten my last on earth apart because it seems to me like for cooking easy to make, easy ith sesimpel may not need to take bnyak material, but if you want more tasty (delicious) I had to buy materials I would like to present in front of me sendiari. but I do not like '' fried rice 'that many models or bnyak kind, I liked the simple fried rice has the basic ingredients could have been.

I ditawarin pitzza I still choose to eat what I like is' 'fried rice' because pitzza meal which included many medel I mean. examples of excessive cooking fried rice I maksut but it looks good. Read yes fried rice is a food such as rice and stir fried in cooking oil or margarine, usually plus soy sauce, onion, garlic, tamarind, pepper and other spices, such as eggs, chicken, and crackers. There are also other types of fried rice made jointly salted fish is also popular throughout Indonesia.
Indonesian society also liked the food I love ya fried rice
Hope my last meal was '' FRIED RICE ''
Thank you for your comment on my readers do not be shy

Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

                                      A letter to your younger self and your 10-years-later self

Thank you for entrance to the block
I'll tell you 10 years ago my story

I used to aspire to be a soldier I wish to defend the country from attacks Indonesian invaders, I have always tried to reach my dream. I always work out continuously so that I could actually be what I dream citaka. I always follow physical exercise. I was most excited when it's physical exercise. Because of my physical terasuk strong physique. Sounds lombalari physical exercise, I was the one who always led the race because I run the pace of the other friends. My sport value was the highest in the class, I was the most powerful physical.
I told my 10 years to come God willing, I will work hard to mebahagiakan my parents, I was determined to want to make his parents happy, I will take my parents on a pilgrimage with my own success with my money through my own efforts, I will keep parents I am fine . I want to buy a car for my large family. so me and my parents get together to go sightseeing
Sorry if there are words I may be a commented wrong
Thanks to the reader, do not forget a commented

Rabu, 30 November 2016

Your karaoke song of choice and why

NIM     ; G1011161172
                                               Your karaoke song of choice and why
Karaoke is a form of interactive entertainment or video game in which an amateur singers sing along with recorded music (music video) using a microphone and public address system. To make it as simple as I thought, karaoke is a place where you will get a room to sing with the music video.
I most like karaoke. I had the opportunity to go to karaoke, what song I would choose first? What's more karaoke with friends. We can cool right together, happy together, and laugh along with the karaoke songs that we choose.
Honestly, it is a good topic for me. Why? Because I often to karaoke with friends me.I went there about two days ago on Tuesday night. I have a lot of experience in the air karaoke
I follow the latest flow of music. In fact I have a lot of music on my phone, the latest music from the 2013 English. The rest is Indonesian.
So, to think about it, after seeing, observing, and research, I prefer to choose a Billionaire by Travis McCoy feat. Bruno Mars. Why ?

Because, first I love the sound she had.
The second is, I chose billionaire because it is a famous song. my friends also Yahu- on this song as well. Then, we can sing together and play music together.

Komentarilah my fault reader. Thanks for reading.

Your favorite place you’ve traveled to

                                                Your favorite place you’ve traveled to

Kraton Yogyakarta is forvorit place I want to visit because there are historical places where relics of the historical heritage
Or Kraton Kraton Yogyakarta built in 1756 by Prince Mangkubumi (Hamengkubuwono I) as the center of the Kingdom Ngayogyakarta.saya want to go into building the palace stretches from north to south. On the front side of the north of the palace you can find the main square called "North Square" and on the back page called "South Square".

The inside of the palace was the center of the complex and is decorated with beautiful ornaments and has a teak structures for interiors. Inside the palace of the Sultan no work space and a library where it is used to carry out his work. There is also a special room for the royal wedding and for the inauguration of a prince or princess. Certainly in the areas most important in the palace is Prabayeksa, sacred space where the weapons are stored. On permanent display in the hall is a collection of keris, spears, knives, arrows, war uniforms and weapons. Once a year, in the month of Suro, Javanese month, the weapon was cleaned during sacred ceremonies.
Well, maybe that’s all that I could tell to you for now. If you want to ask something or want to know more about me, just comment below. Thanks for reading it.

Selasa, 29 November 2016

Smartphone Apps that You Love

                                 Smartphone Apps that You Love

    on this occasion, here I'll tell you about a smartphone application that I love best. Everyone today would have had the goods called smartphones. Now the smartphone has become a staple for humans because its benefits are numerous. Smartphones can also be a place to get acquainted with others through social media.
At the end, after think a lot, from my deepest mind, I have a conclusion. I couldn’t love just one application, I also couldn’t pick more than one application for this time. So, I have choosing an application that unite all of the application in the smart phone, and that was Google Play Store.
Why ? because, Google Play Store is like United Nation, unite all of the application, what ever its kind. But from all of the reason that I could think about, I believe that the main reason why I choose Google Play Store is because it was the place for me to connect with other applications, to download and knew about other smart phone’s application, in the save way, in the legal way, in the easier way.

Google Play is a digital content service owned by Google which covers an online store for products such as music / music, books, apps, games, or cloud-based media players. This service can be accessed either via the web, android app (Play Store),

comment below. Thanks for watching.

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Your reason choosing your study major at Untan

                                     bThe reason I entered the faculty of forestry

my name is riky pratamanim G1011161172
derived from Sanggau Kapuas, Sanggau 03 of the same, the reason I entered the faculty of forestry since last why I chose the Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University was because of my father. previously never thought I was going to tell my father took my majors. Even I've accidentally said, "I do not want to go in the forest!" But actually I do not accidentally say so because he was upset with my father. He sangaaaaaaaaat busy with his work that he did not nelfon-nelfon home. He worked in the company as an assistant in the city MPE-Sanggau Pontianak, West Kalimantan., But he worked in the office. 

But once a week my father should still be on the pitch (read: the forest).When the final seconds SNMPTN registration is closed, with a steady I choose Forestry UNTAN (UNIVERSITY TANJUNGPURA PONTIANAK) in the order of two, the first economic accounting and informatics telecommunications UGM third. Actually I wanted to find out what made him linger in the woods. My father preferred to work in the field (read: the forest) than in the office. He said if the office tuh make sleepy. My mother is resigned to seeing a huge belief to take forestry. Actually, my mother was very wanted studying office management. But my interest is not there. Sorry, mum <3 Finally, after convincing my mother that I could also go in Forestry, he supported methank you

What Movie Best Describes Your Life

                           What Movie Best Describes Your Life

My name is riky pratama Nim G1011161172I want to share my life with the film mirib the kite runnerThe Kite Runner is a film adapted from the novel titled the same as my own .Bercerita about me and my friends a different caste, my religion Islam and my friend the Catholic religion. This touching story started when we got a call from alifka small, a friend of my father. He best understands my favorite, is writing, even my feelings.He asked me to meet her ailing On the phone, alifka deliver a sentence that makes me thrown into the past. That sentence is, "There are many ways to be good again."Film was presented with a flashback groove. I was a little taken to remember the past. Dikisahkanlah friendship between my smallOne day, when I managed to catch the kite broke. Then he dedicated to his friend alifka. On the way home, we were confronted by a group of naughty children and force me to give the kite.Alifka bluntly refused until alifka forward to defend me, I ran away and hid. But unfortunately, alifka even beaten in his hiding place, I can only see it without being able to do anything.I went home greeted the priest who was proud to see his son managed to get the kite broke. While alifka, go home feeling miserable and crying in silence.After a long time I was troubled. Until finally, in order to cover the guilt he devised scenarios that alifka and his father was expelled from the houseFilm continues to flow back and forth, I ketch; feel they have a mental burden to immediately see his friend and apologize. Search began. Do I managed to meet up with a friend who betrayed alif and apologizethanks.

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2016

Two things that you have to bring everywhere you go

                                  Two things that you have to bring everywhere you go

riky pratama introduce my name comes from Sanggau Kapuas, I am of the class D forestry faculty I want to tell you two things that I often take anywhere namely wallet and my previous hp wantid terlebihdahulu tell what it is what it is wallet hpwallet is a kind of small-sized bags commonly used as a store for money, kerdit cards, identity cards, photos, business cards, and other personal belongings. and what is hp? , Hp is an electronic telecommunications device that has the same basic capabilities to conventional fixed-line telephone, but can be taken anywhere and are not cloned partitions connected to the landline network.after I tell you what it was hp wallet what I will tell why the wallet and phone were often brought mesince hp is communication goods that are important or unusual to take that communicate streets once I affected, hp I can use as a communication to my partner, HP also can be used for I berselfi with friends and a couple of my own and I could use to berselfi with fans while meeting the street or anywhere.

 I kept telling why I always carry a wallet anywhere, because the wallet is goods storage place my important items so I always carry around to make it more secure, wallet containing cards, contact information, credit cards, sim, and stnk. card is the stuff that is very, very important for me because it contains the identity card is my all why I often take him, because for menampalkan information to my information the questioner.
terkasang I need the contact information because sometimes stuff that I often take ie hp, hp can die then I need contact information didompet put me, while I walked in the affected hp I die I may borrow a phone or a phone that was around me
That is all and thank you

Your favorite selfie and why

Your favorite selfie and why 

I riky pratama name comes from Sanggau Kapuas, I want to tell you why I prefer Selfi in the fields. First I want to tell about his field first, which Rice is cultivated and irrigated land to grow rice place. For this purpose, the fields must be capable of supporting a puddle because rice requires flooding at a certain period in its growth. Used to irrigate the fields irrigation system of springs, streams or rain water.

paddy fied latter known as rainfed, while others are irrigated fields, rice paddies are also useful for me is to eliminate our mind that has a problem, can not make me think more clearly, fields can also be a place for me to gather and play together with friends to fishing fish in the rice fields. I want to tell my hobby berselfi in the field, why? because I want to find the best photos from the good, and I also want to tell you why I chose the background fields, why? because I take pictures in the fields was I able to eliminate the problem, because berselfi paddy fields was the one I could see the beautiful scenery in my eyes, I can see the sights there paddy fields which could be able to see the birds in flight I can see paddy fields, I could also see paddy-rice paddy fields with the details and I can hold around the rice paddy.
I apologize to readers of my story if there is a wrong word or repetitive This is what I can work with my own ability. thanks to reader commentary wrote the wrong word below
   thank you

Senin, 26 September 2016

russell wilson

        russell wilson

"mind a john that beautiful"

in august, at the baltimore ravens training camp, offensive lineman john urchel suffered a concussion - sparking one of the most interesting stories in the ongoing debate over head trauma in the NFL. while every NFL  player has plenty to lose from head trauma, urschel is unique: he's the only player who stands to ruin his sideline career, as an internationally recognized mathematician.

urshel's math prowess has made him a star-he tweets as @MathmeetFball-while stirring controvers, an essay for the players' Or status. the allure is primal." i love hitting people," he wrote." this is a feeling i'm (for lack of a better word addicted to." As a result, he still plans to play this season - underscoring the murkiness of the debate on head trauma. even for play-ers who now recognize the game's risks, the highs of being a pro football player are hard to replace."i"ve fallen in love with the sport," urschel says."right now, not playing football isn't option for me."

material last week

Simple present tense : rutinitas , fakta fakta umum
Subject : I, you ,they, we
                 She , he , it      > v1 (s/es)
Rumus : (+)   s+v1(s/es)
               (-)    s+ do/does /not+v1
Do = I you they we
Does = she he it
               (?)   do /does + s+ v1

Simple past time : digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat di masa lampau
(+) S+V2(ed)
(-)  S + did +not + v1
(?)  Did + S + V1

Present / past contiuous tense
Menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung

   Subject                                     Present                       past
      They                                            are                            were
    He                                                   is                                    was

(+) s + be + V-ing
(-) s + be + not +V-ing
(?) Be + S + V-ing                  
v-ing /adjective /adverb / naun
kata sifat , kata keterangan , kata benda

SIMPLE  FUTURE TENSE : sesuatu yang belum terjadi
(+) s + will + v1
(-) s + will + not + v1
(?) will + s + v1

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE :  kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan hasil masih terasa
Rumus :
(+) s + has / have + v3
(-)  s + has / have + not + v3
(?)  has / have + s + v3
   Have = I, you, they, we
   Has    = she , he, it

Sabtu, 17 September 2016

tugas bahasa inggris pertama perkenalan

My name is Riky Pratama from sanggau kapuas graduates from Senior High School 3 SANGGAU the IPS, I would like to tell you the me in the faculty of forestry, after graduating from high school in 2016, I decided to continue my education to college. The reason I want to continue my education to college is that in the future, I got a job more if you compare it with just graduated from high school. I am determined to continue their education even though economic conditions parents have enough, I prefer public university in UNIVERSITY, the reason my parents prohibits me to college at the outer island of kalimantan, because there are limitations in terms of funding. if college in the outer island of kalimantan, of course, require great cost anyway it's hard to return home (except for vacation) the case when I was studying in west kalimantan, for which I chose UNTAN (UNIVERSITY TANJUNGPURA) as a place to continue my education. because UNIVERSITY is the best in west kalimantan, in addition has been also won the high performance. Through the test SNMPTN I chose my major forestry in prodi to two and thank god I'm in, I'm a forester indonesia wants to preserve, maintain and preserve biodiversity in indonesia i want to work in the ministry of forestry, I also want to improve the situation of the family economy be better than before, the time I haven't I throw away with useless, after I became a forester big do I know more within the meaning of the "time is money".
And thank god I can receive the activity of the activities of the faculty of forestry, well, and followed that hard.
That's all. Thank you