Rabu, 14 Desember 2016

SPEECH (ujian akhirsemester)


Dear miss DINI and my friends that I love.Let us pray Praise ALLAH S.W.T the presence of God who has bestowed His favor, protected forest background
The occurrence of forest degradation in the watershed (DAS), especially in the upstream has had a negative impact, such as floods, droughts, landslides,. The root cause, among others, initiated a lack of understanding or concern from various parties concerning forest functions and receiving benefits by local communities that are not able to raise the responsibility and action for sustainability. To cope with the functions of forests, particularly in the area of ​​protected forest and production forest, with some stakeholders in an integrated manner, transapran in the National Movement.
 According to the terms, reforestation itself is replanting the forests that have been denuded. This activity needs to be done because given the importance of forests for human life. Besides the forest is the largest supplier of oxygen in the earth, or we often refer to as the heart of the ecosystem of living beings. Often we hear in some electronic media occurred deforestation and illegal logging. Do you know who did? The culprit is okum-irresponsible person who is to reap profit. He did not think about how the impact that he did.
            Floods and landslides are a fraction of the impact. Everyone is frantically looking for a place to take shelter, and not least the loss of property and lives. They are victims of destruction elements irresponsible. If it's like this then who will blame them or us? Of course we can not blame one of the two. For that we must have the awareness and love of our environment. If it was not we who keep anyone else. The firmness of law and severe penalties for the illegal loggers also needs to be improved. Besides learning about the maintenance of the environment also needs to be taught to students.
            To avoid these problems, can we respond? Course can with planting 1,000 trees in the forest that have been cleared. And planted them in the barren hills. So that we can avoid the threat.
One movement for 1000 hope we can do from now on to create a peaceful world from disaster. For the start of reforestation from the simplest to the most meaningful to our earth. So that I can say, sorry if there are less pleasing speech in your heart.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

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