Rabu, 30 November 2016

Your karaoke song of choice and why

NIM     ; G1011161172
                                               Your karaoke song of choice and why
Karaoke is a form of interactive entertainment or video game in which an amateur singers sing along with recorded music (music video) using a microphone and public address system. To make it as simple as I thought, karaoke is a place where you will get a room to sing with the music video.
I most like karaoke. I had the opportunity to go to karaoke, what song I would choose first? What's more karaoke with friends. We can cool right together, happy together, and laugh along with the karaoke songs that we choose.
Honestly, it is a good topic for me. Why? Because I often to karaoke with friends me.I went there about two days ago on Tuesday night. I have a lot of experience in the air karaoke
I follow the latest flow of music. In fact I have a lot of music on my phone, the latest music from the 2013 English. The rest is Indonesian.
So, to think about it, after seeing, observing, and research, I prefer to choose a Billionaire by Travis McCoy feat. Bruno Mars. Why ?

Because, first I love the sound she had.
The second is, I chose billionaire because it is a famous song. my friends also Yahu- on this song as well. Then, we can sing together and play music together.

Komentarilah my fault reader. Thanks for reading.

Your favorite place you’ve traveled to

                                                Your favorite place you’ve traveled to

Kraton Yogyakarta is forvorit place I want to visit because there are historical places where relics of the historical heritage
Or Kraton Kraton Yogyakarta built in 1756 by Prince Mangkubumi (Hamengkubuwono I) as the center of the Kingdom Ngayogyakarta.saya want to go into building the palace stretches from north to south. On the front side of the north of the palace you can find the main square called "North Square" and on the back page called "South Square".

The inside of the palace was the center of the complex and is decorated with beautiful ornaments and has a teak structures for interiors. Inside the palace of the Sultan no work space and a library where it is used to carry out his work. There is also a special room for the royal wedding and for the inauguration of a prince or princess. Certainly in the areas most important in the palace is Prabayeksa, sacred space where the weapons are stored. On permanent display in the hall is a collection of keris, spears, knives, arrows, war uniforms and weapons. Once a year, in the month of Suro, Javanese month, the weapon was cleaned during sacred ceremonies.
Well, maybe that’s all that I could tell to you for now. If you want to ask something or want to know more about me, just comment below. Thanks for reading it.

Selasa, 29 November 2016

Smartphone Apps that You Love

                                 Smartphone Apps that You Love

    on this occasion, here I'll tell you about a smartphone application that I love best. Everyone today would have had the goods called smartphones. Now the smartphone has become a staple for humans because its benefits are numerous. Smartphones can also be a place to get acquainted with others through social media.
At the end, after think a lot, from my deepest mind, I have a conclusion. I couldn’t love just one application, I also couldn’t pick more than one application for this time. So, I have choosing an application that unite all of the application in the smart phone, and that was Google Play Store.
Why ? because, Google Play Store is like United Nation, unite all of the application, what ever its kind. But from all of the reason that I could think about, I believe that the main reason why I choose Google Play Store is because it was the place for me to connect with other applications, to download and knew about other smart phone’s application, in the save way, in the legal way, in the easier way.

Google Play is a digital content service owned by Google which covers an online store for products such as music / music, books, apps, games, or cloud-based media players. This service can be accessed either via the web, android app (Play Store),

comment below. Thanks for watching.