Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Your reason choosing your study major at Untan

                                     bThe reason I entered the faculty of forestry

my name is riky pratamanim G1011161172
derived from Sanggau Kapuas, Sanggau 03 of the same, the reason I entered the faculty of forestry since last why I chose the Faculty of Forestry, Gadjah Mada University was because of my father. previously never thought I was going to tell my father took my majors. Even I've accidentally said, "I do not want to go in the forest!" But actually I do not accidentally say so because he was upset with my father. He sangaaaaaaaaat busy with his work that he did not nelfon-nelfon home. He worked in the company as an assistant in the city MPE-Sanggau Pontianak, West Kalimantan., But he worked in the office. 

But once a week my father should still be on the pitch (read: the forest).When the final seconds SNMPTN registration is closed, with a steady I choose Forestry UNTAN (UNIVERSITY TANJUNGPURA PONTIANAK) in the order of two, the first economic accounting and informatics telecommunications UGM third. Actually I wanted to find out what made him linger in the woods. My father preferred to work in the field (read: the forest) than in the office. He said if the office tuh make sleepy. My mother is resigned to seeing a huge belief to take forestry. Actually, my mother was very wanted studying office management. But my interest is not there. Sorry, mum <3 Finally, after convincing my mother that I could also go in Forestry, he supported methank you

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